Sunday, 13 April 2008

God I feel like shit

After having a long night I couldnt sleep sat waiting for mom to come down for some company which she never did. She was on phone to John all morning. Eventually crawled into bed at 11am. I know its bad to do that and i'm paying for it.

My mom woke me up around 6pm asking me if a ring was mine. I almost died of shock she found it amongst Laurens bits in the room, I've been looking for it for over 6 months odd. It was one she had brought me in Egypt I don't know what to saay or do. Im gutted as Loz couldve stolen it or Jay couldve given it to her which ment he stole it off me. I want to see what they do and if they start asking about a ring i'm find out one way or another.

I'm feeling down today I think its knowing i'm getting closer to the day Dad died or the fact i'm feelig ill i'm not sure which one. Tired and running a slight temp with a cough and sore throat no big deal I not dying, just run down.

Mom goes away on the 8th of May for about 17 days roughly could be longer. Everyone now has had a holiday aside of me oh wells. I keep hoping by some unknown miricle a ticket will be produced and given to me for my holiday. I can keep dreaming one thing I do have to look forward to in hope well heres hoping.

I don't really know what to say do at moment. I guess might just need to think or something.

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